Foster a collaborative environment

Team members can effectively develop plans to overcome obstacles in the work- place and achieve positive results. effec- tive management requires the participation of the whole team, with each team member contributing in a meaningful way to an overarching mission.

Develop an organised approach to reviewing performance
Accurately assessing the progress of team member development is essential for management to be able to track short- comings and growth within a company. You can schedule one-on-one sessions with team members on an annual basis to gauge their growth, evaluate their successes and look for areas that they could improve. Performance reviews remind team members that their work is important and that their employer recognises their dedication.

Demonstrate strong leadership traits and habits
Respected managers lead by example. Confidence, integrity and a willingness to take on tough responsibilities are all characteristics of respectable leaders. Team members are more inclined to follow and emulate managers who demonstrate these positive traits.

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