Geingob calls for national unity, economic transformation on 45th anniversary of Cassinga

Hage Geingob

President Hage Geingob has called for national unity for economic transformation as the country marks the 45th anniversary of the Cassinga massacre.

On Cassinga Day, Namibians reflect on the tragedy that claimed hundreds of Namibian lives at a refugee camp in Angola on 4 May 1978, at the hands of the apartheid South African regime.

Those who survived were left with permanent physical and mental scars.

“Today, on Cassinga Day, as we remember our fallen heroes and heroines and the survivors who are still with us, let us commit to holding hands and working together to bring about economic transformation in Namibia,” he said.

Geingob emphasised the importance of working together to build a better future for all citizens, one that is free from hate speech, ethnicity, tribalism, racism, and other forms of divisiveness.

The president spoke about his own experience in the days leading up to the massacre, recalling how he had been on his way to the Cassinga Training Centre when he was saved by a Dr Shinyafa, who refused to take him there.

“I protested vehemently, but Dr Shinyafa stood his ground and refused to take me. I was furious. Only a few days after this incident, Cassinga was attacked and I realised the refusal of comrade Shinyafa saved my life,” he said.

Geingob also expressed gratitude to the Cuban people and their leaders, for defending Namibian refugees at Cassinga against the South African aggressors.

“Cuba is a country whose debt we can never repay, for the blood of Cuban martyrs waters our freedom,” said Geingob.

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