RESIDENTS of Uukwanambwa and Amuteya villages in the Onyaanya constituency, Oshikoto region, are left looking for answers after close to 30 goats were killed and their blood allegedly sucked out by unknown predators this month.
The first incident was on 10 January 2019 when 18 goats were killed, and the rest were attacked in the early hours of Friday morning.
The goats killed on Friday morning belonged to Helena Amukanda and Linea Aron, and were killed in the same fashion as many others in the area since 2000.
Twelve of the goats were bitten in the neck and had broken jaws. Others had their knees injured.
“Two goats died and 10 have holes in the neck and they’re just salivating. We were told not to eat them and to kill the remaining four and burn them. The thing that killed the animals was apparently seen at the neighbour’s house fighting with a dog. Those who have seen them said they look like black dogs,” local resident Olga Kamati told .
Veterinarian of Oshikoto region, Reinhold Haimbodi, said only animals which had wounds could be treated.
“Others had a knee bone fracture and low jaw fracture could not be treated. We told the family to kill the goats and burn the meat,” he said.
Environment ministry deputy director for the north central regions, Rehabeam Erckie, said it was difficult to say what type of animal killed the goats, because it was not seen and no one had reliable information.
“Scientifically, these things attacking the goats in that manner is not part of the wildlife we know. We leave room for more investigations,” Erckie said.
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