Govt to pay N$100 000 for disabilities from human-wildlife conflict

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism will now pay anyone who becomes disabled due to human-wildlife conflict N$100 000.

This was announced by information and communication technology minister Emma Theofelus last week.

Theofelus said the Cabinet reviewed and increased payments for the human-wildlife conflict self-reliance scheme, as submitted by the minister of environment, forestry and tourism.

“The Cabinet approved the increment and revised amounts for payments to be implemented from 1 September,” Theofelus said.

This provides the means to directly offset the loss of communities and individual farmers’ livestock and crops, support persons injured by wildlife and to support families due to loss of life, Theofelus said.

Environment ministry spokesperson Romeo Muyunda says the ministry was due to hold a press conference on Monday.

Among the revised payments are also funeral expenses and related costs.

An injured person with no loss of body parts will now be paid N$15 000, an increase from the previous N$10 000, while injury with the loss of body part increased from N$30 000 to N$40 000.

A disabled person will be paid an amount of N$100 000, an increase from N$50 000.


A farmer who lost cattle will be paid N$5 000, an increase from N$3 000. For a goat, a farmer will be paid N$800, up from N$500.

Farmers who lose a sheep will be paid N$800, from N$700, while the loss of a horse will be compensated N$1 500, up from N$800.

For a donkey, a farmer will receive payment of N$1 000, an increase from N$500, while a payment of N$1 000 will be paid for the loss of a pig.

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