Happy 39th Birthday, The Namibian!

The founding staff of The Namibian when it started on 30 August 1985. Back row from left: Dudley Viall, Dave Salmon, Marenga Marenga, Gail Visagie, Rajah Munamava and Sue Cullinan. Front row from left: Chris Shipanga, Ingrid Muinjo, Gwen Lister and Mbatjia Ngavirue.

Today marks 39 years since The Namibian beat hostile odds and arrived ‘kicking and screaming’ in a then very different country.

Unwanted by the apartheid government, it was adopted by the people.

The newspaper went on to establish itself as a staple of Namibian life, and won acclaim at home and internationally for its courageous and independent journalism.While the world continues to change dramatically, we remain committed to our core values: Speaking truth to power, freedom of information, human rights, democracy and serving the people.

Rapidly changing means of information poses new challenges, including misinformation and disinformation. For us, this means doubling down on good journalism and keeping you reliably informed.

The Namibian owes an enormous debt of gratitude to those who have supported us through thick and thin: the people, our readers and advertisers and our staff over the years.

You can help power our future by buying the newspaper, becoming a digital subscriber and tuning in to Desert Radio.

Thank you.

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