Havana residents tired of municipality’s ’empty promises’

Residents of the Havana Proper Extension 3 informal settlement say they are tired of empty service delivery promises by the City of Windhoek.

Neighbourhood committee spokesperson Johannes Ileka says the municipality has deliberately left residents behind in terms of development.

“We want to know why they have demarcations for one portion and skipped ours?” Ileka he said at a community gathering on Saturday.

Ileka further said residents have been waiting for the development of the area for nine years, after the municipality completed the installation of services at Havana Proper.

“For a lengthy period of time, we have been told by City of Windhoek officials just to wait, this has turned out to be an empty promise,” he said.

The residents say they do not have access to basic services such as a sewerage system, water and electricity.

“We need electricity for our children to study,” Ileka said.

Ileka also claimed that a municipal town planner said the excluded portion was part of the developed Havana Proper.

He questioned what happened to the funds allocated for the development.

“We want to know where the money meant for that left out portion ended up?”

City of Windhoek spokesperson Lydia Amutenya did not respond to questions sent to her at the time of publication.

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