Inclusive strategy key toleaving no one behind– //Kharas governor

Aletha Frederick

The governor of the //Kharas region, Aletha Frederick, says through strategic planning and effective governance, the government can unlock the full potential of the country and create opportunities for all citizens.

She says inclusive strategic planning is key to ensuring no one is left behind.

Frederick said this at the Association of Local Authorities in Namibia (Alan) Local Economic Development Indaba at Lüderitz on Friday.

The aim of the indaba was to collectively face the challenges of local authorities and work together to address the economic health of municipalities and the livelihoods of their local residents.

The indaba was held under the theme ‘Promoting Local Economic Development Through Inclusive Strategic Planning, Innovation and Diversification of Revenue Streams’.

“This journey must include marginalised communities and vulnerable groups to design policies and initiatives that address their specific needs.

“Our commitment to promoting local economic development goes hand in hand with our dedication to uplifting the marginalised and the poor.

“We must ensure that every policy decision we make prioritises social inclusion, poverty reduction and equitable access to opportunities. By empowering those most in need, we can build a more just and prosperous society for all,” Frederick said.

The governor said the //­Kharas region has a rich diversity of resources and talent waiting to be harnessed for economic growth and that by diversifying revenue streams across sectors such as tourism, agriculture, mining and renewable energy it is possible to reduce dependency on any single industry.

She said innovation should be the driving force to find new ways to add value to local industries, attract investment and enhance competitiveness.

“This approach will not only drive growth, but also create sustainable opportunities for all members of our community.
“Let us focus on collaboration and innovation in driving progress. By working together and harnessing the potential of our resources, we can create a brighter future for all citizens, especially those who are marginalised or disadvantaged,” the governor said.

South African Local Governance Association president Bheki Stofile said local governments can pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient financial future.

Stofile said it is evident that municipalities face significant challenges in maintaining stable financial income compounded by low economic growth.

Amid these obstacles, however, are opportunities for change and improvement, he said.

“It is imperative that we continue to collaborate, innovate and implement strategies that revive the financial fortunes of our municipalities,” Stofile said.

Stofile, Felicia Bakaile, representing the Botswana Association of Local Authorities and members of the Green Hydrogen Council were among the attendees at the event.

The weeklong indaba brought together 46 local authorities out of 57, representatives from the central government, the private sector, local authority associations and international organisations.

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