Inmate shot for attacking officer

The police in the Oshikoto region have confirmed the shooting of an inmate at Tsumeb Police Station.

The incident allegedly took place on 25 August.

Oshikoto police regional commander Theopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku says the incident happened during mealtime.

Nolan Mostert (28) allegedly walked out of his holding cell when officers opened it to deliver food, and ran directly to the charge office.

Here he allegedly started insulting officers.

“At the same time he started challenging the officers and urging them to shoot him.

“He said this to the family members who were there taking photos and videos. In the process, the officer allegedly noticed the inmate coming for him.

“He then pulled out his service pistol and fired a warning shot, but the inmate did not stop.

“The officer then shot the inmate in the right leg, ” Kalompo-Nashikaku says.

Mostert was taken to Lombard Hospital, where he is said to be in a stable condition.

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