It’s Nandi-Ndaitwah or nothing – Namandje

Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah

Lawyer Sisa Namandje says Swapo will not reverse the nomination of Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as the party’s presidential candidate, whether some members like it or not.

Namandje was speaking at a press briefing at the Swapo headquarters in Windhoek yesterday.

“Whether few people like it or not, it will never be reversed,” he said.

Swapo elected its leadership in 2022 including the vice president, who would automatically become the party’s presidential candidate for the 2024 elections, he added.

“Throughout 2023, everybody was told this is our candidate.

“Was Geingob entitled to run for the third time? No. Because he couldn’t, the next person automatically got there and then qualified,” Namandje said.

A faction led by party veterans and represented publicly by Reinhold Shipwikineni, Peter Shituula and Joshua-Vaino Martins has legally challenged Swapo to hold an extraordinary congress.

In April, the faction, legally represented by lawyer Richard Metcalfe, wrote a letter demanding that Swapo host an extraordinary congress to replace party president Hage Geingob.

In May, Swapo said there was no money to organise an extraordinary congress.

Sisa Namandje

The court has given Swapo until 30 August to file answering affidavits in response to the application.

Namandje said the party will abide by the court order.

“I invite you to read Swapo’s answers on 30 August. We’ll argue in court. Not in the media.”

Meanwhile, Swapo spokesperson Hilma Nicanor says the party will convene its extraordinary congress in April 2025 to elect the party’s president.

Swapo says this is to ensure transparency and reinforce the party’s commitment to its members.

Swapo has not had a president following Geingob’s death in February.

Nandi-Ndaitwah was automatically nominated as Swapo’s presidential candidate for the upcoming elections, as per the party’s rules.

She has raised concern about the unruly behaviour of some party members and urged them to conduct election campaigns in a manner that fosters unity.

“Swapo wishes to advise its members, supporters and sympathisers to continue to conduct themselves in accordance with the rule of law and in a manner that does not undermine our prevailing peace and stability,” she says.

Read more: It’s Nandi-Ndaitwah or nothing – Namandje

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