Itula wants independence promises fulfilled

INDEPENDENT Patriots for Change (IPC) leader Panduleni Itula says Namibians deserve the dignified life they were promised with the dawn of independence.

He was speaking at the launch of the IPC campaign for the 2024 presidential elections at Keetmanshoop in the //Kharas region on Saturday.

Itula met party members from Koës, Oranjemund, Naute Dam, Aroab, Tses, and Karasburg.

“Namibia is all we have. It's not for sale, and we must save it,” he said.

Itula said the IPC constitution and the country's constitution remain the guiding documents for the ideals shared by the leaders and members of the party.

He said the documents will guide his party on appointing leaders and governing the party.

“When you joined the IPC you took an oath to abide by the constitution. We believe in the basic principle of the rule of law, not the rule of men . . ,” Itula said.

He expressed confidence in the party's leadership.

He accused some leaders serving as councillors of wanting to benefit from government projects clandestinely.

Itula said the IPC wants to create a future for all Namibians, including the generations to come, and therefore requires every Namibian to speak “with one voice on what needs to be done to achieve the future Namibians want”.

“We were given the right to self-determination, but since independence Namibians have experienced a corruption of the politics of 'who you know' instead of 'what you know', which has marginalised many Namibians and has led to a high degree of difference between the haves and have-nots.

“But I can assure you with the leadership of the IPC, we will emerge victorious,” he said.

“The future we declared at indepence in 1990 should become a reality that is shining ever brightly for all Namibians. You are the change that is needed to make this a reality from 2024. You are the vehicle, but if you don't stand up now, we are in trouble as a nation,” Itula said.

During the 2020 regional and local authority elections the party contested at Keetmanshoop and Koës, where it obtained no seats.

The IPC obtained three seats at Oranjemund, and two at Lüderitz.

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