Itula wants Swapo to apologise for food thrown to supprters at rally

Independent Patriots For Change president Panduleni Itula has criticised Swapo for an incident where food was thrown at supporters at a Walvis Bay rally on Saturday.

In a press statement on Sunday, Itula described the incident as undignified and sickening.

“Fellow Namibians, I am utterly appalled by the degrading actions displayed by Swapo at their recent rally held at Walvis Bay, where food was not distributed respectfully, but instead callously thrown at our hungry citizens, forcing them to scramble for what they could grab. Such behaviour is not only undignified, but it also shows a complete and utter disregard for the very humanity of our people,” Itula said.

He said such scenes are a clear and damning reminder of the deep and profound failure of Swapo leadership.

“This is not an act of charity — it is a blatant attempt to exploit the very people they have impoverished, using their desperation as a means to cling to power,” he added.

Itula adds: “Swapo’s abject mismanagement has driven our people into the depths of poverty and unemployment, and now they further insult and degrade them by treating them as though they do not deserve the most basic respect.”

According to Itula, witnessing citizens, particularly children, scrambling and fighting for food thrown at them, is not just a disgrace but an unforgivable insult to the dignity of the entire nation.

Namibians are not a faceless, nameless mob to be pacified with handouts at political rallies, he said.

“I call upon Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah and the entire Swapo leadership to immediately apologise for the grave harm they have inflicted upon our people,” he demanded.

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