Jahanika to join PDM

FORMER Nudo secretary general Meundju Jahanika has announced his move to join the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), citing it is the most democratic, non-tribalist party in Namibia, with no tolerance for corruption.

This comes six months after he resigned at the National Unity Democratic Organisation (Nudo).

Jahanika was suspended from Nudo last year for allegedly campaigning against the party during the run-up to November’s presidential and National Assembly and elections. He dismissed these claims, saying they were “malicious and devoid of any truth”.

He was called along with Okakarara constituency councillor Vetaruhe Kandorozu to provide reasons not to be charged with alleged misconduct and decampaigning.

Kandorozu was expelled by the party last month.

Jahanika yesterday said he had spoken to PDM central committee member Kazeongere Tjeundo on Wednesday and they agreed he would join the party soon.

He said he would be joining as an ordinary member before the party decides on his role.

Jahanika said he decided to join the PDM as it was always active among its members – not only during elections.

He said he had issues with Nudo’s leadership as it does not follow the party’s constitution.

“With everything I have done so far, even after I left, they did not follow the constitution, so it made me feel like there is no need for me to stay at Nudo,” he said.

Jahanika had previously resigned from Swapo in 2003 to join Nudo.

He said he decided not to go back to Swapo since the party has changed.

Tjeundo confirmed that Jahanika would be joining the PDM, saying he would add to the capacity of the party and contribute skills he acquired as secretary general. He said Jahanika would be welcomed to the party at the PDM’s final rally on 14 November at Otjinene.

Tjeundo said between 80 and 100 of Jahanika’s supporters would be joining the party.

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