Kongola-Masambo community gets powerline

Minister of mines and energy Tom Alweendo inaugurated the Kongola-Masambo power line and the electrification of the Masambo Primary School at a cost of N$10 million on Wednesday.

Speaking at the inauguration, Alweendo said the electrification project will electrify the school and teacher houses, the conservancy office, and a borehole.

“The budget initially allocated for this project was N$3,62 million, but it was increased to N$10 million due to the distance from the nearest power line. This reflects the ministry’s commitment to ensuring that even the most remote and challenging areas receive electricity,” he said.

Alweendo said they have surveyed the ten un-electrified schools in the Zambezi region, and preparations to electrify them are underway.

“An amount of N$14,1 million is allocated for the electrification of the remaining un-electrified schools. While the current focus is on electrifying schools, the groundwork has been laid for household electrification with N$3,7 million allocated for the Zambezi region from the central government,” he said.

Northern Regional Electricity Distributors acting chief executive Toivo Shovaleka says the power line is a 33 kV medium voltage overhead that stretches from Kongola to Masambo.

“This power line will bring about potential socio-economic possibilities for the locals,” he says.

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