KUNENE regional police has taken over oversight of operations of Outjo police station from Otjozondjupa.
During the handing over on Tuesday, Otjozondjupa region police commander commissioner Heinrich Tjiveze said the handover was supposed to take place in May 2012 but the authorisation to do so was finally given this year.
“Various police stations were managed by other regions. Since Outjo police station was near Otjozondjupa region, Outjo remained under our supervision,” Tjiveze emphasised.
Tjiveze said because of the political demarcation of Outjo as part of Kunene, it was being handed over to the region and the political head of Kunene, governor Marius Sheya was present to witness the event.
The Outjo police station was opened on 7 April 1978 and currently has 72 suspects.
The ceremony was attended by only 10 people including those from the media, in line with the government’s state of emergency regulations.
Kunene police chief James Nderuru accepted command of Outjo police station. Jokingly he said there was no reason for Outjo police station to be part of Otjozondjupa region. Tjiveze and Kunene signed the handover documents.
Sheya handed over toiletries for the trial-awaiting inmates. The donated items are for 140 inmates at Outjo, Khorixas and Kamanjab police stations.
“When I was informed by two commissioners that today we will be witnessing the handover of Outjo police operations, I felt I should buy some essentials for trial awaiting inmates during the time of Covid-19,”. Sheya emphasised.
Station commanders from Outjo, Khorixas, Opuwo and other stations attended the event but could not attend the handing over due to emergency regulations.
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