Landless People’s Movement promises first Namibian satellite in space

The Landless People’s Movement (LPM) plans to launch Namibia’s first satellite into space.

This goal is included in the party’s manifesto, which was launched on Friday.

“During its first term the LPM-led government will ensure immediate building of satellites and placing [them] into orbit to put Namibia in a better position to package information on issues including safety and security and various meteorological updates,” the party’s manifesto reads.

The LPM believes this will make Namibia a player in the satellite information industry, “with good financial gains therein”.

The LPM, led by former //Kharas governor and deputy minister Bernadus Swartbooi, held its electoral college in Windhoek on Saturday, with the outcome to be announced soon.

Read more about the party’s promises in Monday’s edition of The Namibian .

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