Y-FEM Namibia Trust founder Florence /Khaxas is urging the public to carefully consider information on LGBTQI+ issues.
“People have told us we are not supposed to be the way we are.
“All that brainwashing and manipulation has done so much damage to us that we don’t even know who we are,” /Khaxas says.
She was speaking at the ‘Spectrum of Love’ event at the Goethe-Institut in Windhoek on Tuesday.
The event featured various short films on LGBTQI+ realities.
“Our government is also supporting misinformation instead of protecting and promoting us,” /Khaxas said.
Speaking at the same event, lawyer Yolande Engelbrecht discussed the recent High Court judgement declaring the sodomy law invalid.
“It’s a great space that we are in, and it’s a wonderful time for the LGBTQI+ community, but will this be grounds for the public to treat people from the community worse? What is the way forward?” she asked.
Engelbrecht said panel discussions should include government officials.
Human rights activist Linda Baumann said she does not believe Namibians are homophobic, but rather that they harbour elements of homophobia.
“We cannot say they are homophobic if today there are 18 organisations campaigning for the rights of the LGBTQI+ community,” she said.
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