Local authorities to blame for squatter problem

THE //Karas Swapo coordinator, Mathew Mumbala, has blamed the squatter problem on inaction by local authorities to address the housing needs of the poor.

Addressing councillors rep- resenting the party in local au- thorities in the region, Mumbala advised the political office bear- ers that they need to take certain action to address the plight of destitute communities living in informal settlements within their towns and villages.

“You (councillors) are sup- posed to render housing delivery. We wouldn’t be complaining to- day.You are the ones creating the squatter problem,” Mumbala said in reference to the requirement by the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) that prospective voters in local authority elections must have proof that they are residents of a town or village. The requirement compels the aspirant voters to provide a water, electricity or a telephone bill as proof of residency before they can be registered as voters in the local authority elections. Mumbala further urged the councillors to always attend meetings organised by party structures they belong to, add- ing that many councillors travel excessively in order to claim travel allowances leaving crises related to poor service delivery in their towns.

“Stop traveling for the sake of S&T (subsistence and travel allowance). First clean your house,” Mumbala said.

In his welcoming remarks, Keetmanshoop town deputy mayor Gabriel Freyer appealed to government to make councillors full-time office bearers.

“We are juggling between our eight to five jobs and the local authority job. We are in a difficult position. This puts pressure on us to be employed as full-time office bearers to effectively ex- ercise our duties,” said Freyer, pleading with government to understand the scenario they find themselves in.

The aim of the meeting, ac- cording to Mumbala, was to take stock of the challenges they face in their towns and villages.

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