LPM’s Michael Amushelelo released from custody after attempting to block Unam entrance

Landless People’s Movement (LPM) member Michael Amushelelo has been released from police custody after attempting to block the entrance to the University of Namibia (Unam) in Windhoek on Monday.

The LPM Youth Command in a statement yesterday condemned his arrest.

The group attempted to block access to Unam in protest against the university allegedly allowing Swapo to gather on campus amid a temporary ban on political activities.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the thuggish behaviour of Unam’s so-called security apparatus, who have proven time and again that they are nothing more than attack dogs for the Swapo regime,” the statement reads.

Amushelelo was arrested for allegedly causing malicious damage to a student’s car as a result of the blockade.

The student opened a case against Amushelelo after attempting to block him (the student) from exiting the campus, according to Khomas regional police commander commissioner Wilhelm Steenkamp.

Unam spokesperson Simon Namesho said the university’s temporary ban on political student activities is still in place, despite the Swapo gathering.

The university is currently investigating the incident, he said.

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