Mbumba pops in to say hello at Herero Mall

GREETINGS CITIZENS … President Nangolo Mbumba went on a tour of Wanaheda Industrial Stalls and the Katutura Old Age Home and made a turn at Herero Mall in Windhoek. Photo: Henry van Rooi

President Nangolo Mbumba went on a tour of Wanaheda Industrial Stalls and the Katutura Old Age Home, with a stopover at Herero Mall, in Windhoek yesterday.

Katutura’s Herero Mall was abuzz as business owners left their three-legged pots to see Mbumba in the flesh.

Cars were left mid-wash and beef bones were discarded halfway as the crowd tried to get a sneak peak of the first citizen.

The president was accompanied by the ministers of health and social services and industry and trade and representatives of the City of Windhoek.

Mbumba said from time to time it is necessary to visit the people, even if there is a high demand for visits with international delegates and Cabinet meetings.

“We need to visit you as much as you want to visit me. And we must talk so that we all feel that we are citizens of this country,” he said.

“We must work together to improve our economy and improve our living conditions to live in a much happier country”.

The president also visited the Katutura Old Age Home, one of the oldest homes for senior citizens in Windhoek.

Mbumba urged the residents of the old-age home to register when Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) officials visit them in the coming weeks.

“Please, when the people from the ECN come, register and, God willing, on 27 November, vote for the candidate of your choice,” he said

Also speaking at the visit, minister of gender equality, poverty eradication and social welfare Doreen Sioka told the senior citizens the ministry is still working on the pension increment of N$200, as promised by president Hage Geingob.

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