Mbumba receives presidential sash

Nangolo Mbumba

President Nangolo Mbumba was officially conferred as Namibia’s fourth president on Saturday.

Former president Hifikepunye Pohamba handed over a sash to Mbumba, called the Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis, at a ceremony in Windhoek.

The sash symbolises Mbumba’s position as the highest authority in Namibia.

The ceremony normally involves an outgoing president handing the sash over to an incoming president, which has not taken place due to the circumstances in which Mbumba became president.

The handover took place during a memorial ceremony for former president Hage Geingob.

Speaking at the occassion, Mbumba thanked the nation for trusting him to be their leader.

“Words cannot express fully the depth of my gratitude and emotions, however, I thank you all wholeheartedly for bestowing upon me this great honour,” he said.

Mbumba said Geingob played a huge role in his life.

“ . . . both inside and outside of the political arena. I am deeply grateful to them all,” he said.

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