Mbumba tells opposition parties to stop dreaming

President Nangolo Mbumba says opposition parties should stop dreaming about toppling Swapo as ruling party.

He was speaking at Swapo’s electoral college opening ceremony, also known as the ‘pot’, in Windhoek on Sunday.

“We must all hold hands and unite against opposition parties which are dreaming and attempting to attain Swapo’s position as the ruling party,” Mbumba said.

“As I have said several times: I do not see or understand how a strong party with so many members and a celebrated history of the liberation struggle will be removed from power by parties of the few.”

Mbumba said democracy has winners and losers, and Swapo will be a winner.

“Through this process, we will be stronger and better prepared for total victory on 27 November. After this contestation, we must not bear grudges.

“As president Hage Geingob used to say: Play the ball and not the person, so that upon conclusion of this process, we can remain comrades and not sworn enemies,” he said.

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