MOBILE Telecommunications Limited (MTC) paid N$347 million in taxes into government’s coffers for the financial year that ended on 30 September 2021, compared to N$345 million in the previous financial year.
It also recorded revenue of about N$2,8 billion, which is a 4.3% increase compared to the previous year’s N$2,68 billion.
However, after tax profit dropped by about N$29 million to N$743.3 million, compared to 2020’s figure of about N$772, 4 million.
This was revealed today at the official announcement of MTC’s financial results.
The newly listed telecoms company declared a total dividend for the year of 85 cents per share, up from 76 cents in 2020.
MTC managing director Dr Licky Erastus said: “MTC has invested N$618 million in capital expenditure projects, compared to N$535 million last year.”
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