My Career

Valencia Katjipuka

Leaving her job as an economist was one of the toughest decisions Valencia Katjipuka (VK) has ever made, but also one of the best, she says. She talks to The Namibian’s Walter Kariko (WK) about her journey as a certified neurolinguistic programming (NLP) life coach.

WK: Who is Valencia Katjipuka?

VK: I have a deep passion for helping others grow and develop. I naturally uplift those around me, driven by a counsellor’s heart that loves to inspire and motivate. I’m committed to sharing knowledge and information, aiming to empower others to reach their full potential.

I was born in Windhoek and raised at Okakarara. I attended school at Theo Katjimume Primary School and matriculated at Windhoek High School. I hold an honours degree in economics and am currently pursuing a degree in psychology at the University of Namibia. I am a certified NLP life coach, a wife and a boy mom.

WK: Tell us briefly about your previous work experience.

VK: Previously, l worked in the public service, served as an administrative officer and later as an economist at the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs.

WK: What does your job entail?

VK: As an NLP life coach, my job entails helping individuals understand and transform their thought patterns, behaviours and emotions.

My role involves facilitating deep self-awareness and empowering clients to reprogramme their mindset for lasting positive change.

WK: What is NLP and how does it benefit people’s personal and professional lives?

VK: NLP is a psychological approach that explores the connections between neurological processes, language and behavioural patterns learned through experience.

I use NLP techniques to guide clients in overcoming limiting beliefs, improving communication and achieving personal and professional goals.

Overall, NLP provides a set of tools that can significantly enhance personal and professional effectiveness by fostering better communication, emotional management and strategic thinking

WK: What inspired you to pursue a career in NLP life coaching?

VK: My journey to NLP life coaching feels less like a choice and more like a calling. Despite having a successful career as an economist, I found myself feeling unfulfilled and misaligned. It was as though something was missing, and that realisation sparked a deep sense of emptiness within me. This has led me on a journey of self-discovery where, with the guidance of coaches and therapists, I began to connect the dots in my life.

During this transformative journey, I pursued an online course and became certified as a life coach. Later, I expanded my expertise by obtaining an NLP certification from the School of Life in South Africa. This experience solidified my passion for helping others find their true path, just as I had found mine.

Leaving my eight-to-five job was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made, but it was also the most fulfilling.

I’m now in my third year of psychology studies, fully embracing this new chapter in my life. I truly believe this profession chose me, and I feel deeply aligned with my purpose of helping others navigate their journeys.

WK: What are the most common challenges your clients face, and how do you help them overcome these?

VK: The most common challenges my clients face often revolve around feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or lacking meaning in their lives. Many of them struggle with missed or unused opportunities, leading to a sense of frustration and disappointment.

Using NLP techniques, I help clients break free from these patterns by first identifying the limiting beliefs and thought patterns that keep them stuck. For instance, many people have deeply ingrained beliefs about their capabilities or worth that prevent them from seizing opportunities. Through techniques like reframing, I guide them to see their situations from a new perspective, transforming negative self-talk into empowering affirmations.

Ultimately, my goal is to empower my clients to recognise their potential, shift their mindset and take actionable steps towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

WK: What key areas do you focus on when coaching business professionals or entrepreneurs?

VK: When coaching business professionals or entrepreneurs, I primarily focus on three key areas: self-awareness, personal development and mental and emotional well-being.

By focusing on these areas, I equip business professionals and entrepreneurs with the tools they need to not only achieve business goals, but also lead fulfilling, balanced lives.

WK: What trends are emerging in the coaching field, particularly around NLP?

VK: In the broader context of the coaching field, several trends related to NLP are emerging, such as integration with other coaching disciplines, like cognitive-behavioural coaching, mindfulness and positive psychology.

With the rise of digital platforms, NLP coaching is increasingly offered online. NLP is also being used more frequently in coaching that focuses on mental health and resilience.

WK: Who are your mentors?

VK: Internationally, Robin Sharma, Oprah Winfrey, Les Brown, Louis Hay, Brene Brown, Joyce Meyer, Sarah Jakes Roberts and Joel Osteen.

Locally, our former first lady Monica Geingos, Mara Mberira, Estelle Tjipuka and my darling sister-in-law, Hilda Basson Namundjebo.

WK: Recommend any three good reads.

VK: ‘The 5 AM Club’, by Robin Sharma, ‘Winning the War in Your Mind’, by Craig Groeschel, and ‘Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?’, by Julie Smith.

WK: What do you do in your spare time?

VK: I love engaging in activities that connect me with my core, activities that make me feel alive. Other than that, I rest, do yoga, walk in nature, do fitness dancing, read and enjoy a good time with my loved ones.

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