N$100-million Maerua Mall expansion completion anticipated before December

Expan sion … Oryx Properties has obtained a N$47 million-ABSA development loan to finance the initial phase of Maerua Mall’s expansion. Photo for illustration purposes/contributed

ORYX Properties says the Maerua Mall renovation and expansion project is now in its practical completion phase, with full completion expected by mid-November.

The company says the mall will be fully operational in time for the 2024 December trade season.

Oryx Properties has obtained a N$47 million-ABSA development loan to finance the initial phase of Maerua Mall’s expansion.

According to Oryx Properties chief operating officer PJ Bergh, by the end of September, a lot of the current tenants in the clip-on should be able to fill out their respective stores.

He emphasised that all wet work and brick work are expected to be finished by the end of September.

Although there is a five-day delay, the goal is to achieve practical completion ahead of the December trading period.
Furthermore, Bergh says they are currently ahead of budget. The project budget is approximately N$100 million. It covers 1 800 square metres, with an emphasis on two or three key restaurants located on the exterior and a connecting walkway.

“Signed leases are Bossa Restaurant, Bathu Shoes, Old Khaki Shoes, OTB Sports, Total Tools and HiFi Corp relocated at a larger space,” he says.
– The Brief

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