NEFF set to battle ECN in High Court

The Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) have filed a second urgent court application against the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) and the speaker of the National Assembly following the cancellation of its registration as a political party in June.

Judge Thomas Masuku has directed the parties involved in the matter to attend an urgent hearing in the Windhoek High Court on Thursday this week (15 August).

NEFF lost its case against the ECN in the Electoral Court on Thursday last week.

The court ruled that it does not have the jurisdiction to deal with the NEFF’s application to stop the implementation of a decision to cancel its registration as a political party.

NEFF leader Kalimbo Iipumbu said the party has asked the High Court to set aside the ECN’s decision to cancel its registration as a political party.

“We do not have an alternative remedy at this stage, rather than to approach the High Court,” he said.

He said if the case is not urgently heard, the party is likely not to participate in the national elections in November.

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