NIP ordered to pay former CEO N$2,4m

The Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP) should pay close to N$2,5 million to its former chief executive Augustinus Katiti, a High Court judge ordered on Friday.

Katiti claimed in court documents that he was entitled to a “total guarantee pay” of N$1,5 million annually from 2014 to 2019 during his employment with the state-owned NIP.

He said this amount increased to N$1,9 million by 31 August 2018, the date his employment contract was terminated.

According to Katiti, upon termination the NIP was obligated to pay him a lump sum equivalent to his total guaranteed pay for each year of a two-year restraint clause in his employment contract.

Katiti sued the NIP for about N$3,8 million.

Judge Hannelie Prinsloo ordered the NIP to pay N$2,49 million to Katiti, plus interest at an annual rate of 20% on that amount, calculated from the end of August 2018.

The court also ordered the NIP to pay Katiti’s legal costs.

The NIP filed a counterclaim in an amount of N$16 million against Katiti after he filed his claim.

Prinsloo dismissed the counterclaim.

Katiti served as the NIP’s chief executive from April 2014 until his dismissal in August 2018 due to alleged misconduct.

His contract was originally set to expire in March 2019.

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