Nudo elective congress called off again

Ester Muinjangue

Despite national elections in four months, the National Unity Democratic Organisation (Nudo) is yet to elect its party leadership.

This comes after another postponement of Nudo’s elective congress to an unknown date amid factionalism within the party.

On Saturday, Nudo president Esther Muinjangue said the long overdue congress, due to take place in Windhoek over the weekend, had to be called off because of chaos and anarchy at the venue.

Former Okakarara councillor Vetaruhe Kandorozu, Aminuis councillor and Nudo vice president Peter Kazongominja and Windhoek deputy mayor Joseph Uapingene were expected to vie for Nudo’s top job at the congress.

A prominent party source said traditional leaders are the cause of the factionalism.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, former Namibia Football Association secretary general Barry Rukoro was reportedly told he cannot participate in the elective congress.

Earlier this year, Rukoro announced his bid for the Nudo presidency, despite the party insisting he is not a member.

Rukoro confirmed receiving a letter from Nudo to this effect, but said the committee and the national council took the decision without reason.

“I’ve tried to analyse every argument they have advanced and everything goes to say, ‘we have taken that decision without any reason’.”

He said Nudo should have conducted an investigation and presented its finding to justify its decision.

Joseph Kauandenge
Barry Rukoro

He said various measures and internal platforms must be exhausted before such a decision can be taken.

“The national executive committee and the national council are two such platforms. The upcoming congress is one such platform. So, what happens there will guide me as to how to move forward,” said Rukoro.

He further expressed his refusal to abide by Nudo’s decision not to participate in the elective congress.

“It is an intentional decision to withhold me from participating. In those circumstances, if I step aside, I will be condoning a very undemocratic and unnatural way of dealing with justice.”

Political observer Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro said the postponement of the elective congress does not auger well for Nudo in terms of retaining or increasing the two seats they currently have in the National Assembly.

He further said the sooner Nudo deals with the challenge, the better.

“It is well known that the Ovaherero Traditional Authority (OTA) did not give its blessings to such an appointment. It’s worsened by the succession battle within the OTA after the passing of the late paramount chief Vekuii Rukoro, that subsequently sees the OTA having dual leadership … which seems to have further polarised divisions within the OTA.”

Matundu-Tjiparuro said disagreements within the Ovaherero community regarding the legitimate OTA leadership has caused strong undercurrents for Nudo which culminated in the postponement of the elective congress over the weekend.

Nudo secretary general Joseph Kauandenge said allegations that preparations for the elective congress were sluggish are untrue.

“We did everything we were supposed to do to have a credible, just and fair congress.”

He also refuted allegations that the postponement was done deliberately to ensure chaos and maintain the current leadership.
“I’m not politically starved or desperate to use underhand tactics to remain in leadership.

“We cannot plan a congress, spend over N$881 000 and then sabotage it ourselves. That is plain stupidity.”

Kauandenge further said the OTA’s squabbles are killing Nudo as people are not elected based on their competency, but according to which chief they support.

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