Nust lecturers get 6% salary increase

LECTURERS of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) will see a 6% increase on their salaries in December.

This is after Nust vice chancellor Erold Naomab and the Teachers Union of Namibia (TUN) signed an agreement on salary increases last week.
“A salary increase of 6% effective 1 January 2023 to ‘permanent’ academic employees within the bargaining unit, including employees on contract for one year and longer, and who are in the employment of Nust on the date of payment of the salary increase,” part of the agreement reads.

TUN secretary general Mahongora Kavihuha told The Namibian negotiations with Nust, which started in September, were not a smooth ride.

“The negotiations were fruitful, although it got heated at a point,” he said.
According to a daily newspaper, current students owe Nust more than N$270 million in tuition fees.

Kavihuha also said the TUN is the first union to be recognised on behalf of Nust’s academic staff.

Nust spokesperson John Haufiku told The Namibian the university management can confirm that salary negotiations with members of the bargaining unit have been concluded.

“Hard but reasonable concessions were made on both sides, which shows a continued commitment by both parties to their true calling of serving higher education,” he said.

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