Oil, gas education, TV, podcasts on the cards

Caption: Hilda Basson Namundjebo

A private public relations company has come up with a project that aims to educate pupils and the public on the country’s emerging oil and gas discoveries.

The project is titled Wells 2 Wheels.

Oxygen Communications, a Namibian communications company, says the project aims to provide insight on the oil and gas sector.

The company’s managing director, Hilda Basson Namundjebo, says much work is to be done in terms of education and information about the sector.

“We want to focus on the total life cycle – from exploration to filling up your cart at the service station or having electricity at home, generated by gas power,” she says.

Basson Namundjebo says the project will involve a podcast, a social media drive, and press releases with content promoting thought leadership and engendering trust.

“Since the news broke that Namibia has discovered oil, there has been a lot of confusion about who the oil belongs to, as well as when the oil companies will make us wealthy.

“Then there is significant confusion about the gas sector. Kudu gas has been talked about for too long. Why has it taken so long? What are the steps for a gas company to enter into production?” Basson Namundjebo asks.

She says the other fear is that the oil industry will be overburdened by all sorts of responsibilities, especially considering the country’s high unemployment rate.

“In time, we will also operate a TV channel with a focus on industry updates,” she says.

Basson Namundjebo says the project is targeting ministries directly involved in the oil and gas sector, members of parliament, the media, corporate leaders, employees, industry bodies and institutes of higher learning.

The project, she says, was launched at the United Nations Plaza at Katutura on 1 August.

The project has been endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and the launch was attended by various schools.

“But the idea is also to reach communities so we can give information to ordinary Namibians and find out what they expect of the oil and gas discoveries in Namibia,” Basson Namundjebo says.

During her state of the region address at Keetmanshoop last month //Kharas governor Aletha Frederick said enhancing human capital for oil, gas and energy sector development requires education and skills training.

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