Olufuko attracts over 80 girls for initiation

Efano: La yandjwa OLUFUKO … Oukadona ovo tava kufa ombinga mOlufuko neudo ve li meumbo lOlufuko opo va kufe ombinga. Otava ka kufa ombinga moinima yopamufyuululwakalo ngaashi okudunga omalodu oshiwambo, okuhenga odjove nokutunga oimbale.

The Olufuko Cultural Festival has attracted about 85 girls to be initiated into womanhood during the annual festival at Outapi.

The festival started on 21 June and will continue until 1 July at the Olufuko Centre.

Olufuko has been practised for generations, preparing young women aged 15 to 20 for womanhood and possible marriage.

Olufuko initiation rituals are performed by elderly women.

Pregnant women are not allowed to participate in the festival, and the overseer ensures that participating girls are not sexually active.

Yesterday, Outapi Town Council spokesperson Joolokeni Haidula said the festival is aimed at preserving cultural traditions, as practised by previous generations.

She further said the festival serves as a platform for young women to learn more about their cultural practices.

Haidula called on the youth and community members to attend the unique festival and learn more about the initiation process, as well as cultural values and beliefs.

Haidula said the participating girls were selected from different traditional authorities in the northern regions.

The girls, accompanied by their parents, will be stationed at the Olufuko house during the festival.

According to the overseers that prepare the girls, those participating will not necessarily get married right away, but will be allowed to go back to school to continue their studies.

The Outapi Town Council introduced the Olufuko Festival in 2012, of which founding president Sam Nujoma is the patron.

This year, the festival will include about 250 exhibitors in various categories.

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