Ongwediva offers residents free sewer connection

THE Ongwediva Town Council has embarked on a project to connect homes at the northern town’s Extension 15 to its sewer system at no cost to residents who would benefit from the move.

The project will cost the town council about N$8 million, Ongwediva mayor Tarah Shalyefu said during a media briefing on Wednesday.

“This project will allow residents to connect to the sewer system [and] thereby cease to make use of septic tanks in the area,” Shalyefu said.

The project will cover about 310 erven and is running over a period of seven months from May to November.

Shalyefu said the project came as a result of consultations between residents of Extension 15 and the town council over the past years.

He added that the town council is committed to making basic services such as water, electricity, land and a sewer system available to Ongwediva residents within the limits of available resources.

“Last year August, council handed over the sewer system to the residents of Reception 3 and further implemented a payment holiday on sewer connection applications. The payment holiday ended in January 2021 with only 57 residents benefiting, of which 28 are from Reception 3, which has about 113 houses,” he said.

“This is disappointing,” Shalyefu remarked. He added that the town council has decided to extend the sewer connection payment holiday for six months, from June to November, with the aim of improving sanitation at Ongwediva by extending the town’s sewer network.

Shalyefu called on residents with a sewer network installed in their areas to apply to have their properties connected to the network free of charge before the payment holiday ends in November.

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