Online Shop for Namibia Craft Centre

The National Arts Council of Namibia has commissioned the Namibia Craft Centre to oversee the development of an e-commerce shop that would sell Namibian hand-made craft.

The online shop will be called Namibia Craft Shop.

Shareen Thude, the general manager at the Namibia Craft Centre (NCC) said features of the project will include a downloadable catalogue, shopping cart, shipping and microsite for all vendors and will tell the story of the crafters, projects and communities in remote areas.

She says the site will be linked to social media platforms and marketing tools to reach target markets in southern Africa and Europe, and that America and Asia will be added later.

Thude says the idea for the project was inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic with all the lockdown restrictions that have been implemented worldwide and this has come at an opportune time for crafters to expand their distribution beyond the traditional walk-in shop.

“The Office of the President expressed a need to have easier access to a wide selection of Namibian products, similar to a craft catalogue with a comprehensive selection of Namibian souvenirs and gifts for visiting delegates and when government officials travel on foreign trips.

“Also the constant need to set up and brand Namibian crafts that can be made available to a wider audience, was identified. Hence the idea was formed to establish a single portal for Namibian craft that is not tied to any specific retailer or organisation,” she says.

Thude says the project was approved during the first quarter of 2020, and the National Arts Council of Namibia identified the craft centre as the most suitable organisation to manage this project, as it already deals with crafts and creative persons from all over the country.

“According to selected categories, craft products will be selected to feature on the online shop. There will be a description of the product, plus stories of the crafters, producers and communities, with each vendor having a microsite. The online shop will have a shopping cart and local fulfilment partner for payment and shipping. It will serve wholesalers, retailers and direct consumers,” she explains.

Thude expresses excitement about the new initiative, saying it would provide a vast global sales network to crafts persons who would otherwise not have a digital presence, and give them access a wide segment of the international craft sector.

“A downloadable catalogue that will be automatically updated when products are added or removed; links to social media channels, blogs and profiles of outstanding products and crafters. The shop will frequently feature specials and introduction to new products and initiatives. It will also present an opportunity for international buyers to support marginalised communities through bulk purchases,” Thude says.

She adds that the project is valuable as it gives a voice and access to those in the creative sector who would not otherwise be recognised as an important sector in the retention of culture and heritage.

Crafts people interested in the initiative can send clear images of their best sellers, business profiles and contact details. The deadline is 26 February.

Thude says an online shop might not be familiar to many crafts persons, but still encourages them to apply.

“Once they have demonstrated the above, we will select their products and make use of a fulfilment partner to take care of the back end of the orders. They [crafts persons] would not be required to use the online shop, but will contractually be part as vendors.

“Crafters have to respond to the call and contact us via the details provided. We would need to verify that they can produce in sufficient quantities, to the same and consistent quality and that they would be able to supply within a set and agreed timescale,” Thude says.

For more information contact Thude on 061 242 222 or email email

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