Open Letter to Kavango West Governor

DEAR HONOURABLE SIRKA Ausiku,This comes after our attempt to focus your attention on matters of regional importance failed during your state of the region address (SORA) delivered on 4 June.

I was dismayed by the prohibition of questions from the public, deliberately misinterpreting Article 110A (6) of the Namibian Constitution which places an obligation on you to be available to respond to questions.

Honourable governor, please be reminded that in a country where democracy is allowed to work, one of the principles involves a feedback system.

It is Imperative to be guided by those ideals when dealing with public affairs.

Evasiveness and secrecy breed suspicion.

Honourable governor, you are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that programmes and projects in the region are fully implemented in line with the plans and budgetary allocation of different offices, ministries and agencies.

The National Planning Commission’s report of 2020/21 on the progress of national projects shows little or no progress on most projects planned for the Kavango West region, whereas in other regions’ projects are being fully implemented.

The delay is caused by the transferring of those budgeted funds.

You are always concerned and appeal to officials to refrain from such acts.

Will I be correct in saying you are failing our region in terms of coordinating and monitoring projects?

Your approach demonstrates that you do not have the political power or will to deliver the services we are deprived of under your leadership.

Let me express my dissatisfaction with your SORA.

Your speech does not revive the hopeless, therefore it is baseless and superficial.

You did not articulate any tangible response or suggest solutions to challenges, specifically youth unemployment, which is at 46,6%, inadequate health and educational facilities, teenage pregnancy, the lack of recreational and sport facilities, and poor road infrastructure among others.

You clearly have no plan, and that’s why you talk about stakeholder consultation, the Harambee Prosperity Plan and creating value addition at the implementation stage of projects.

We have been hoping for a clear plan of action in response to challenges.

I am worried that you did not recognise corruption as one of the challenges the region is faced with – despite some officials at the Kavango West Regional Council being rumoured to engage in corrupt activities.

Let me make a public call to the good people of the Kavango West to join hands for an urgent intervention that could change our region’s dire socio-economic conditions.

Modestus Kupembona, Kavango West Youth

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