Oshana police heed Mbumba’s call on mahangu imports

Efano: Eino Vatileni TAI LANDIFA … Ovalandifi vomahangu okudja koAngola ova ti okukufa omahangu koAngola osha ninga shidjuu nai.

OSHANA regional police commander commissioner Naftal Sakaria yesterday said they will not confiscate mahangu illegally imported from Angola anymore.

His call comes after president Nangolo Mbumba recently asked the police to allow people to import mahangu from Angola to avert hunger.

Namibia Revenue Agency spokesperson Tonateni Shidhudhu yesterday said the agency could not comment on the matter.

Omusati governor Erginus Endjala welcomed the president’s pronouncements, saying it would go a long way in averting hunger.

Ohangwena governor Sebastian Ndeitunga says the president’s statement is long overdue, and his office welcomes it wholeheartedly.

Ndeitunga says the drought in the north is so severe that some households have not been able to harvest at all, and those who have did not yield enough.

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