POPULAR Democratic Movement councillor for Otjiwarongo, Maritz Laubscher, resigned from the council on Friday.
The party’s secretary general, Manuel Ngaringombe, has confirmed the resignation.
“Yes, he resigned because he transferred to Outjo, where he has bought a practice. The Local Authority Act is clear that one can only serve on a council within a 30km radius of where one resides,” Maringombe says.
He says Laubscher, who is a medical doctor, remains an integral member of the party.
The party will deliberate on who will take up the vacant position in the coming weeks, he says.
Laubscher’s resignation comes seven weeks after Swapo’s corruption-convicted councillor Hilde Noreses resigned.
This is the third change to the council in one year.
Another change was due to the death of Lee-Anne Liebenberg, who died in July last year.
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