Oukwanyama Queen wants unwanted babies

THE Queen of Oukwanyama Traditional Authority has urged young mothers, who usually abandon or kill their babies just after birth, to bring them to her.

Addressing the people who attended a wedding at Okatope ELCIN church on Saturday, Queen Martha Mwadinomho Nelumbu said she was disturbed by the killing of babies and has decided to accommodate them at her palace at Omhedi village in the Ohangwena region.

Well-known businessman Simon Itashipu Moses wedded Red Cross worker Albertina Haufiku.

The Queen said the two made the right choice by getting married since most women, if not all, who throw away or kill their babies are not married but are “making children left, right and centre”.

“You hardly hear about the killing of a baby from an official marriage. You hardly hear a married man killing his wife or his children, but you always hear about baby dumping and killing of babies by mothers and fathers who are not married,” she said.

Nelumbu called for an end to the killing, saying the life of a human being is very precious and no one has the right to take a life.

“God does not permit that and even our government does not permit it. These babies and children have done nothing to be punished in that way,” Nelumbu said.

“I know there are some young women who have problems of taking care of their babies. I am calling on them not to throw away or kill their children. Please bring them to my palace and I will look after them. We need them. They are our future leaders,” Nelumbu said.

About men who kill their girlfriends or ex-girlfriends, Nelumbu said they cannot be called ‘boyfriends’ or ‘ex-boyfriends’, but enemies.

She said only enemies kill their enemies. “Friends do not kill each other, but enemies do.”

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