Paternity leave to be introduced into Labour Act

Emma Theofelus

Cabinet has approved the introduction of paternity leave to the Labour Act and directed that it be adopted in the public service, while maternity leave is due to increase.

This was announced by information minister Emma Theofelus, who was reporting on Cabinet decisions, on Thursday afternoon.

“Cabinet directed the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation and other relevant stakeholders, through the tripartite taskforce to review the Labour Act with a view to broaden the scope of compassionate leave to cover paternity leave and the extension of the period of unpaid maternity leave from 12 to 14 weeks,” Theofelus said.

The Cabinet decision states that paternity leave in the public service will be given in the event the mother of the baby is indisposed due to severe illness or passes away during labour.

Prime minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says the government would consider a motion supporting the introduction of paternity leave.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila two weeks ago contributed to the motion tabled in the National Assembly by Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) member, Winnie Moongo, calling for five months maternity leave with full pay and the introduction of paternity leave to Namibia’s legal framework.

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