President Nangolo Mbumba has wished vice president Netumbo Ndandi-Ndaitwah good health and prosperity on her birthday.
Nandi-Ndaitwah turned 72 on Tuesday.
In a statement released in honour of Nandi-Ndaitwah’s birthday, Mbumba says he honours not only the years of her life but also the “incalculable contributions and distinguished services” she has provided to Namibia’s development and success.
As a native of Namibia, Mbumba says Nandi-Ndaitwah’s commitment to public service and the admirable leadership she continues to exhibit inspire people, both within and outside the nation.
“Through your resilience, integrity and tireless efforts, you have positively impacted our nation, and we are grateful for all your achievements and what you continue to achieve for Namibia,” Mbumba says.
“I am confident that your journey ahead will be filled with greater accomplishments.”
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