President Nangolo Mbumba at the conferment of The Most Ancient Order of Welwitschia Mirabilis State House, Windhoek

Nangolo Mbumba

Today is indeed an epochal moment in my life. As I stand before this august audience, I am filled with a profound sense of humility and honour. 

I thank God Almighty for the abundance of blessings he has bestowed upon me, and I thank the people of Namibia for the trust and confidence they have placed in me as the fourth president of this republic.

Leaders are not born, they are created. They are forged in the furnace of life and moulded by their experiences as they traverse the course of their destiny.

I would not be the person I am today without those people who have played an invaluable role in shaping my beliefs, thoughts and character as I navigated the course of my destiny. Many of those people are present here today, some are not, and sadly, others have passed on. May their beautiful souls rest in eternal peace. But no matter where they are, they are the reason I am standing here today.

It is therefore my privilege to acknowledge those family, friends, comrades and colleagues who have made this day possible. To my dear wife, you exemplify the verse from the book of Proverbs 31:10, which states that “a truly good wife is the most precious treasure a man can find”.

I am therefore grateful that during my life’s journey I was able to find the most precious treasure a man can find.

I am indebted to my maternal grandparents who laid the foundation for my success. Their nurturing, discipline and guidance has allowed me to achieve success beyond my greatest expectations.

Equally, l am profoundly grateful to my teachers, pastors and elders in Namibia and during exile days, who played a great role in my life to impart words of wisdom, morals and values that guided me on my life’s journey. 

Through these interactions l learnt the precious mores of humility, respect for others, sharing what you have with those who are less fortunate, and simply just to be a more caring human being.

To my lovely children, grandchildren, and the entire Mbumba and Nangolo clans: You are all responsible for this day. Your love, compassion and support has made this day possible. Thank you for always being there for me.

 My great mentor and leader, his excellency comrade  Hifikepunye  Pohamba  delivered  a beautiful narration of my sojourn through life and mentioned some of the great men and women who played significant roles in guiding me to where I am today. 

Your excellency, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Several Swapo stalwarts and Liberation Struggle icons who played a role in my life have been mentioned. Of course, the famous legacy triumvirate consisting of the founding father of the Namibian nation, and leader of the Namibian revolution, his excellency Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, the second president of Namibia, his excellency Hifikepunye Pohamba, and my late brother and third president of Namibia his excellency Hage G Geingob, played a pivotal role in my life, both inside and outside of the political arena. I am deeply grateful to them all.

My profound appreciation goes to all Swapo leaders, who have led our party with distinction in various capacities, since its inception, both alive and those who have passed on. 

Furthermore, I wish to thank all the Swapo party rank and file, supporters, sympathisers and our veterans of the liberation struggle for your unwavering patriotism, commitment and support.

Finally, as a president for all Namibians, I want to thank the great people of our beloved nation, the ‘Land of the Brave’, for the trust and confidence you have vested in me during my current tenure and in my various portfolios. 

Words cannot express fully the depth of my gratitude and emotions, however, I thank you all, wholeheartedly, for bestowing upon me this great honour of The Most Ancient Order of Welwitschia Mirabilis.

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