Project to boost San rights

An EU-funded project to promote the rights of San people was launched last week.

This initiative aims to strengthen the legal rights and capacities of San communities across Namibia, marking a significant step towards social justice and inclusivity.

The workshop gathered chiefs, San representatives, traditional and community leaders, government officials, civil society organisations and rights activists.

They shared insights and outlined the project’s objectives, fostering a collaborative environment to address the challenges faced by the San people.

Over the next three years, the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) will implement the project, backed by a N$6,5 million grant from the European Union.

The goal of the project is to equip San communities with the legal knowledge and tools necessary to assert their rights and engage more effectively with legal and governmental institutions.

Toni Hancox, director of the LAC, highlighted the project’s importance in overcoming long-standing barriers to justice for the San people.

EU programme manager Silke Hofs reaffirmed the EU’s dedication to promoting human rights and equality in Namibia.
“The EU is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of marginalised people, inclusive development, cultural preservation and combating discrimination,” she said.

Royal Kao /Ui/o/oo, deputy minister of marginalised communities, emphasised the crucial role of civil society organisations and indigenous groups in advancing Namibia’s vision of inclusivity. He praised the independence and critical perspective that civil society can bring to sustainable change.

The workshop concluded with a commitment to establish a collaborative framework among stakeholders, sharpen priority intervention areas and guide the project’s implementation.

Short to medium-term recommendations were discussed, recognising that some actions will require long-term efforts.

OUR LAND, OUR RIGHT … Some of the partici- pants of the workshop that saw the launch of a project that will focus on providing the tools to claim and access San rights. Photo: Contributed

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