Pupils steal school bulbs, taps to feed drug addiction – report

A Parliamentary standing committee report has identified significant alcohol and drug addiction at schools nationwide, with some cases involving pupils stealing items such as taps, light bulbs, and door handles to sustain their habit.

The report was presented in the National Council session yesterday by Olivia Hanghuwo, the chairperson of the standing committee on education, science, information and communication technology and youth development, on Wednesday.

“It was stressed that rampant ill discipline is a result of alcohol and drug abuse. It was noted that some pupils barely concentrate in class as they would be under the influence of illegal substances,” she said.

Hanghuwo said stakeholders visited by the committee highlighted that alcohol and drug abuse among pupils has increased at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and prevails.

“These are the same pupils society expects to produce good results. School management thus called on the government to pronounce itself on the use of drugs by pupils,” she said.

The report seeks to identify the major contributors to pupils’ low performance in the past academic year.

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