Rambler … Etiquette, Rambler Style

IT has come to this.When The Rambler has to dispense etiquette lessons to our so-called leaders, you have to ask what the world has come to.

When you’ve had the benefit of a regular thorough arse-whipping from your parents (which includes aunts, uncles, grandparents, neighbours and even older siblings, teachers and church leaders), you cringe every time you hear the likes of Katrina Hanse-Himarwa open their mouths.

It always makes me wonder if I was maybe abused or did other people’s parents not love them as much as mine loved me. Or maybe she is just naturally extra?

She never misses an opportunity to make an arse of herself.

Our education minister needs schooling in good manners. Her diploma in education grossly under-equipped her for the rigours of educating others.

In fact, she must refrain from attempting to educate anyone.

Etse ousie, were you not in class the day when we were taught do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Foolishness is what?

I know, I know… Let him who is without fault cast the first stone. I’m a sinner according to your book, but I brought a lorry full of bakstene this week. Sue me!

Hanse-Himarwa has a long list of indiscretions, some of which were nicely whitewashed by our very capable and competent ACC, that bastion of ethical and legal uprightness and propriety.

It must be nice being related to this boorish bulldozer affectionately known as Hurricane Katrina.

It started with her substituting the curtain maker for her governor’s residence with a relative soon after she was named governor of the Hardap Region.

She also caused scandal and shame galore at her sister’s wedding in Mariental when she got involved in a brawl over food.

Maybe, just maybe she’s allergic to scandal and shame.

She once moered one Willie Swartz, the then Rehoboth Swapo organiser, stukkend with a high heel. Poor chap.

She was again in the news recently when she apparently ran roughshod over Swapo’s nomination process for the primaries in the Hardap Region.

Hanse-Himarwa’s two relatives were inserted into the Mariental mass housing beneficiary list a few days before 40 houses were handed over and in the process relegated two other applicants to the waiting list bench.

Her son Denzil was allocated a resettlement farm in a very open and transparent manner. He is 24 years old…

But her loutishness came out front and centre when she warned the San community not to die poor because it is “a sin and a big shame”.

What is a big shame is her running her mouth on anything and everything and yet failing to do her damn job.

She was one of three ministers who failed to submit their plans regarding service delivery and were named and shamed by President Hage Geingob.

While I applauded Geingob for that action, I blame him for the likes of this woman making themselves guilty of the craziest unthinking and slacking and getting away with it.

The Hardap Region’s socio-economic landscape resembles ground zero after a nuclear bomb was dropped after her ill-fated 11-year reign.

“Don’t follow me with petty gossip and street stories. I don’t have time for that. I am now at another level,” Hanse-Himarwa said recently when asked by a reporter about one of her many transgressions.

Telling people you’re on another level shows your backwardness and your mental ineptitude.

People on another level have a way of making others feel on another level and make them aspire to be on that next level. They don’t have to state that they are.

That you still occupy a position of power – with your dumb ass – speaks of how broken we are as a society and on what level of dysfunction your party is at. The ease with which such inappropriately skilled ‘leaders’ ascend to power is astounding.

Blow not thine own horn should be in our Constitution. Braggadocio should be left for broke-ass kwaitos and brain dead boxers, not leaders. Not even manufactured pseudo-leaders like Hanse-Himarwa.

Those thinking they got where they are on their own fart fumes should go far and stay long.

Ousiero, be kind and respectful. No true leader should be taught this by a foul-mouthed, washed-up wannabe columnist.

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