Risk insurance company declares N$10m dividend

HANDOVER… Tjiuee Kaura, the director of governance and financial advisor in the finance ministry’s department of public enterprise receiving a N$10-million dividend pay-out from Adrianus Vugs, the board chairperson of Nasria, on behalf of the government, on Wednesday.

The Namibia Special Risks Insurance Association (Nasria) on Wednesday paid a N$10-million dividend to the government through the finance ministry.

The company said its performance has been driven by good governance and dedication.

Speaking at the dividend handover, during Nasria’s annual general meeting, the insurer’s board chairperson Andrianus Vugs said: “Despite the economic headwinds, the current dividend payment is a testament of resilience and ability to adapt to changing dynamics in the financial and fiscus sector.”

Tjiuee Kaura, the director of governance and financial advisor in the finance ministry’s department of public enterprise said: “I should acknowledge that Nasria is one of our best-performing entity and declaring this dividend is a plus to Treasury.”

Nasria achieved gross written premiums amounting to N$79 million and investment income of N$50 million as of 31 March. Subsequently, profit after tax stood at N$42 million and total assets at N$855 million.
According to the company, this signifies a strong financial position compared to liabilities.

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