Rundu formalises settlements

SIGNED … Member of the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia Theresia Nangoro, Rundu chief ex- ecutive Olavi Nathanael and chair-person of the Rundu management committee Engelbert Muyenga sign an agreement to formalise the Sikan- duko and Ngwangwa settlement. Photo: Petrus Muronga

The Rundu Town Council has formalised the Sikanduko and Ngwangwa settlements after signing an agreement with the Namibia Housing Action Group (NHAG) and Shack Dwellers Federation (SDFN).

The agreement formalises the Sikanduko and Ngwangwa informal settlements through an inclusive community-driven upgrading programme that will see the two informal settlements gradually moving from shacks to brick houses.

SDFN member Theresia Nangoro during the signing of the agreement recently said it offers greater opportunities to the poorest of the poor.

The federation and other stakeholders, like German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and other partners, have been working together to upgrade the Sikanduko and Ngwangwa informal settlements to assist community members to obtain more affordable land.

Nangoro said members are organising themselves in savings groups, with about eight organised beneficiary groups with a membership of 257 at Rundu.

The federation and its partners are aiming to reach all low-income communities at the town.

“The SDFM members have been waiting for this document to be signed for many years, therefore this [agreement] that we are signing today should help us work together as partners to reach all the low-income communities of Rundu,’’ said Nangoro.

Nangoro added that the federation’s members and the community are committed to making a positive difference at the Sikanduko settlement, building a sense of community among its members and creating a sense of belonging and hope.

“We are supporting the process of community-led upgrading to improve their living conditions and children’s future,” she said.

She further noted that the federation will take the document and its content seriously as it should and will make use of the opportunity given to them to continue cooperating with the local authority and other stakeholders.

The federation is supported by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, regional councils, Standard Bank, B2Gold, Ohorongo Cement, FNB Foundation, Pupkewitz Foundation and various other institutions.

Rundu mayor Gabriel Kanyanga said the signing of the agreement compels the town council to ensure that the envisaged outputs of the project are cordially attained and benefit the people on the ground.

“RTC strives for the betterment of all people’s living conditions through the provisions of secured land tenure, adequate and sufficient services in terms of water, sewer, electricity and roads,’’ said Kanyanga.

Meanwhile, NHAG co-director Heinrich Amushila at the signing ceremony urged local authorities to embrace community-based approaches such as the SDFN and genuinely support their noble initiatives, which are aimed at encouraging community participation and owning their development process.

“Informal upgrading isn’t new, the international community has done it and continues to progress in line with the UN Habitat agenda. The [agreement] makes provision for a working team from NHAG/SDFN/RTC to meet regularly and make sure the document is translated into action,” said Amushila.

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