The Security Association of Namibia (SAN) is pushing for regulations mandating a minimum hourly rate of N$17,50 for security contracts.
This call aims to ensure that security companies can afford to pay their guards the national minimum wage.
Currently, entry-level guards receive N$8,75 per hour, while more experienced guards are paid N$10 per hour.
SAN president Dhiginina Uutaapama, during a minimum wage consultation in Windhoek on Tuesday, said many companies opt to hire cheaper security service providers, which in turn leads to security guards receiving lower wages.
“There is a lack of regulations and there is a need for that. The absence of regulations leads to [security] companies charging for their services below the minimum wage,” Uutaapama said.
Also speaking at the event, SAN vice president Corinus Kotzé said many security companies find themselves in a situation where they have to let go of employees.
“We need to find a solution to meet each other halfway to ensure that the business is sustained, thereby also maintaining the jobs of our employees,” Kotzé said.
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