Seven people have died of suspected food poisoning at Kayova village in the Kavango East region, regional crime investigations coordinator deputy commissioner Bonifatius Kenyetu says.
A family of 18 from Kayova village in the Ndiyona constituency on Saturday allegedly consumed porridge made from flour from the residue of traditional beer known locally as mundevere.
Kanyetu yesterday confirmed the incident, saying the police have sent out a team to establish the cause of the deaths.
“Our people are still on the ground at the Ndiyona and Nyangana areas, respectively. We will let you know as soon as we get results,” he said.
According to sources, the 18 people were transported to the Nyangana District Hospital on Saturday after eating the porridge, where three of them succumbed to suspected food poisoning.
Three died upon arrival at Rundu Intermediate Hospital, and one died on Sunday.
Eleven of the family of 18 people were hospitalised.
One of the victims was discharged from the hospital and was later readmitted, but is believed to be in a stable condition.
It is alleged that the victims went to a river to harvest reeds, which they pounded to make flour with.
This was allegedly then cooked for consumption.
“We are still waiting for the post-mortems to determine the cause of death,” said Ndiyona constituency councillor Laurentius Mukoya says.
He says the incident is “a sad situation” and even more so since the victims are from the same homestead.
Mukoya says people in his constituency are suffering due to the drought experienced in the area.
“They have to look for resources they can exchange for mahangu,” he says.
Kavango East acting health director, Woitha Kapumburu, yesterday said: “The ministry is preparing an official report which will contain all the information, which will include their ages.”
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