Shambyu leader Queen Ribebe has died

The leader of the Shambyu Traditional Authority, Queen Angelina Matumbo Ribebe, has died.

She was 55 years old.

Senior headwoman Theresa Dona confirmed the queen’s death to reporters, saying Ribebe died in the Roman Catholic Hospital in Windhoek on Sunday.

The vaShambyu leader had been battling kidney failure for many years and was referred to the Windhoek hospital for treatment after regular visits to the Rundu Intermediary Hospital over the past years.

The Shambyu queen had been at the helm of the Shambyu Traditional Authority since 1989, after taking over from her late brother Gothard Haininga who was killed in a car accident in 1988.

The late Ribebe leaves behind five children and nine grandchildren.

Secretary of the Shambyu Traditional Authority Christiana Sikongo said yesterday that announcements regarding funeral arrangements will be made in due course.

Family members have started gathering at the Kayengona palace.

– Nampa

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