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Sms Responses: Harry Simon

Sms Responses: Harry Simon

* OUR country sucks! Harry Simon gets two years for killing three tourists and Hamutenya gets 15 years for stealing four head of cattle. What a horrible country we live in.

* NAMIBIA will be a forsaken tourist destination. * JUSTICE at last for ‘The Terminator’. His actions have terminated the lives of five people in total.* HARRY’S sentence should have been doubled! What is two years?* WHY should Harry get such a light sentence for killing three people? Thomas Florin got life for killing his wife. Harry gets two years. Come on, this smacks of political favouritism. The law should treat all criminals equally severe.* IT’S a shame that Simon did not steal a cow. Then at least he would have gotten a longer sentence.* AT least justice has been served with Harry Simon’s sentence. The ever increasing lawlessness and disregard for others lives has gotten out of control. It should have been 20 years jail and banned from driving for life.* THREE dead people equals two years in prison. But three live cows equal 15 years in prison! That is beyond my comprehension.* JUSTICE has been served. Thank you judges, we don’t know why it took so long.* IS there a restriction to our democracy? If the majority are in favour of the death penalty, why the excuse of a sacred document called the Constitution.* SIMON has learnt that the law doesn’t care about your social or national status. But in fact the sentence was very light. Let us all learn from his lesson.* I DO not understand the case against Harry. To me the accident was a mistake and should have been treated us such.* IF you kill someone you must go to jail. If Harry goes to jail, so should all criminals. The justice system is allowing criminals to roam free by giving them bail.* WE hear someone killed his wife and set the body on fire and was granted bail. Harry Simon’s accident that killed the tourists was not deliberate, it was an ACCIDENT. Set him free.* WHAT the judge did to Harry was unfair. It was an accident in which the tourists died. Harry has made peace with the family who lost their loved ones. I call on the government to free the boxer and allow him to pursue his boxing career. I, Bernhard Kamatoto will pray for you during these difficult times.* WAS the deadly car crash between Harry’s vehicle and the Belgian visitors deliberate? If so, let him face the charges. I see Harry’s punishment as a sort of a disciplinary action against the ex-boxer.* JUSTICE has taken it’s course. All of us are equal before the law. Harry is lucky to have walked away with a lenient jail term.* HARRY’S punishment, in my opinion, is not commensurate with the crime he committed. However, it will be interesting to see what time period he will spend in jail. Two years? A-la Paris Hilton!* FINALLY, Harry Simon is where he belongs! But what took them so long to lock him up? Does his skin colour play a role – maybe? * HARRY Simon deserves more than just two years in jail. Being a champion does not mean you should go around beating up people.* HARRY deserves more than just two years in jail. Being a champion does not mean you should be notorious like Mike Tyson or whoever. Time for him to learn that he can beat anyone but not the law.- Seun* WE live in the BEST country! Only two years for Harry. Try to steal a cow and you rot in jail! Kill a few and you only sit for two years! Land of the Brave.* HARRY Simon nafile ofhenda aefwe. (Have mercy on Harry) Making the ACC connection* I’M surprised by the latest arrest of two Henties Bay councillors. What is the difference between them and the ACC’s top brass regarding the issue? When the issue of the ACC top brass receiving double salaries was reported, they came out in defence and justified it. The same was not done in the case of the two councillors. Is this justice? The ACC is failing the nation. They must be taken to task.* I AM disgusted by the ACC arrests of Henties councillors for the S&T they have received in May, which was paid back anyway. I will only feel better if Noa and his deputy are arrested by having obtained free of interest loans for months. These councillors should sue the ACC unless they are not serious.* CAN someone high up order the arrests of ACC directors for the double payment they received last year? They have not yet repaid it anyway.Its a shame!* HOW much does the ACC spend on fuel to drive all the way to Henties Bay, pluse food costs, etc, and arrest someone who (allegedly) misuses N$1 772?* WHAT do u call it if you receive double salary which you are not entitled to and not to mention a 13th cheque compared to S&T of a planned trip like in the case of Henties councillors?* DEAR Editor can someone tell me what the difference is between the S&T received by the Henties Bay councillors and the double salary given to the two ACC directors?* YOU steal N$5,76 m get bail of N$10 000. The Karas Regional Council CRO is accused of wrongly claiming N$48 000 (ACC case), pays N$7 000 bail and the Henties councillors another ACC are up for N$1 700 and are out on bail of N$1 000.What is the purpose of bail and how is it fixed? Do the magistrates look at who the accused is?* TO the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Ministry of Defence: We, the soldiers, are still waiting for answers on issues such as Sanlam demutualisation shares and the N$110 deducted from our meagre salaries as part of an unexplained group scheme membership. When we resign or are discharged we do not receive any refund. I want the ACC to investigate the group scheme deductions for us.* The ACC should investigate the Ministry of Health and Social Services. The receive the highest budget every year but money is being misused. Management are said to have shares in companies tendering for services and goods from the ministry. Please remove them for God sake. Maperes Bar* I’M delighted to read that the Maperes bar is closed and its liquor licence revoked. Too many people got injured and lost their lives at that bar. The Police should now check the records of other bars in Windhoek and if they find any incidents of violence, they should be closed as well. It is not only in Katutura but also in Khomasdal, especially in Otjimuise that bars have become dangerous.* PLEASE don’t return the licence of Maperes Bar or now Martins bar. We in the neighbour are at least moving safely at night and our children can study in some quiet.General* GOVERNMENT vehicle at the club (report on page 1 of The Namibian last week). We see Government vehicles being abused on a daily basis. Doing shopping, parked at drinking places, picking kids from schools. Whose kids are entitled to be picked up by GRN vehicles? We all want answers from the office of the PM.* I WANT to air my concern about developmental issues at Khorixas. No development is taking place at this forgotten town. No investors are coming nor are there any attempts to invite and attract investors. The town planner employed by the council has no vision for Khorixas.* FOR Africa to become productive, Africans should firstly learn the importance of respecting democratic laws and avoid copying everything done outside Africa. – Djaupyu* IF members of the highest decision-making legislative body fail to attend sessions, surely one cannot blame the poor Hardap councillors for exchanging blows during their sessions.* WHEN will the Ministry of Home Affairs open up its vacancies for competition? Performance and duration of service is not taken into account when promotions come up. No training is provided and promotion is non-existent. Should the ACC not look into the operations of this ministry, as staff member are sick and tired of way things are done in this ministry.* SPRAYING air freshener during burial services is not proper. It shows a lack of respect for the dead. A dead person does not smell like what people believe. This practice should be stopped forthwith, as it is becoming common, especially among Oshiwambo speaking people.* WHY is Namibia not participating in the 2007 u-20 football championships?* THE Namibia Defence Force appears to be extending its grip even further by making compulsory deductions from the salari
es of its staff. N$110 monthly deductions are made from all NDF members for what is called an NDF GROUP SCHEME. This is done without consulting the staff some of whom already have group scheme insurance from other institutions.* TO ensure the effective running of our various ministries, the Government must introduce advisory committees for every ministry, comprised of members from all regions, who will bring problems on the ground to the attention of the ministries and advise on how to tackle them. Government by the people!* NO to a United States of Africa. This will result Namibians starving because of other Africans taking their jobs.* I DO not know to which country I belong. My mother and father are both Namibian and I was born here. My parents also resided in Angola. Now the Angolan Embassy tell me I am a Namibian. But, Namibia’s Ministry of Home Affairs says I am Angolan. My baptism card refers to me as Angolan. Because of this confusion, I am not in possession of a national document.* I WAS in exile and when I returned in 1989 I was given a new axe, a panga, a hoe and seeds. To date, I still have the equipment. Good, but where and when can I use this new equipment? They must provide me with the land to use the equipment. The Ministry of Veterans Affairs must provide me with an answer.* I WANT the Government to comment on and take action against fly-by night companies, especially those that purport to provide genuine education.Water worries* WATER in Namibia is a serious problem. People are crying each and every day. NamWater and Government must do something.* IS it possible for Government to conduct a survey to determine the affordability of paying water among poor communities and try to make it a basic service to which every citizen has access to? The Government has installed pipes and taps to such communities, but these facilities are not used, as people cannot afford water. It appears that these infrastructure was only installed to show to the world that we have taken water to the people. But, the truth is that water cannot be accessed by the people because of its cost. Think about this please.New State House* MR PRESIDENT, would you please be so kind and sell the new State House to Kobi Alexander, just like that, ‘voetstoots’. We need that money for our hospitals.* I DON’T understand why the GRN is building a State House costing hundreds of millions of dollars.I wonder where all this money is coming from. The Government must tell us where it finds this amount of money.They want to live in luxury houses while they don’t want to pay ex-combatants their compensation.* IF we had effective opposition parties to reduce the Swapo majority, then we could have avoided many financial (burdens) like the new State House.* JUSTICE at last for ‘The Terminator’. His actions have terminated the lives of five people in total.* HARRY’S sentence should have been doubled! What is two years? * WHY should Harry get such a light sentence for killing three people? Thomas Florin got life for killing his wife. Harry gets two years. Come on, this smacks of political favouritism. The law should treat all criminals equally severe.* IT’S a shame that Simon did not steal a cow. Then at least he would have gotten a longer sentence.* AT least justice has been served with Harry Simon’s sentence. The ever increasing lawlessness and disregard for others lives has gotten out of control. It should have been 20 years jail and banned from driving for life.* THREE dead people equals two years in prison. But three live cows equal 15 years in prison! That is beyond my comprehension.* JUSTICE has been served. Thank you judges, we don’t know why it took so long.* IS there a restriction to our democracy? If the majority are in favour of the death penalty, why the excuse of a sacred document called the Constitution.* SIMON has learnt that the law doesn’t care about your social or national status. But in fact the sentence was very light. Let us all learn from his lesson.* I DO not understand the case against Harry. To me the accident was a mistake and should have been treated us such.* IF you kill someone you must go to jail. If Harry goes to jail, so should all criminals. The justice system is allowing criminals to roam free by giving them bail.* WE hear someone killed his wife and set the body on fire and was granted bail. Harry Simon’s accident that killed the tourists was not deliberate, it was an ACCIDENT. Set him free.* WHAT the judge did to Harry was unfair. It was an accident in which the tourists died. Harry has made peace with the family who lost their loved ones. I call on the government to free the boxer and allow him to pursue his boxing career. I, Bernhard Kamatoto will pray for you during these difficult times.* WAS the deadly car crash between Harry’s vehicle and the Belgian visitors deliberate? If so, let him face the charges. I see Harry’s punishment as a sort of a disciplinary action against the ex-boxer.* JUSTICE has taken it’s course. All of us are equal before the law. Harry is lucky to have walked away with a lenient jail term.* HARRY’S punishment, in my opinion, is not commensurate with the crime he committed. However, it will be interesting to see what time period he will spend in jail. Two years? A-la Paris Hilton! * FINALLY, Harry Simon is where he belongs! But what took them so long to lock him up? Does his skin colour play a role – maybe? * HARRY Simon deserves more than just two years in jail. Being a champion does not mean you should go around beating up people. * HARRY deserves more than just two years in jail. Being a champion does not mean you should be notorious like Mike Tyson or whoever. Time for him to learn that he can beat anyone but not the law.- Seun * WE live in the BEST country! Only two years for Harry. Try to steal a cow and you rot in jail! Kill a few and you only sit for two years! Land of the Brave.* HARRY Simon nafile ofhenda aefwe. (Have mercy on Harry) Making the ACC connection * I’M surprised by the latest arrest of two Henties Bay councillors. What is the difference between them and the ACC’s top brass regarding the issue? When the issue of the ACC top brass receiving double salaries was reported, they came out in defence and justified it. The same was not done in the case of the two councillors. Is this justice? The ACC is failing the nation. They must be taken to task.* I AM disgusted by the ACC arrests of Henties councillors for the S&T they have received in May, which was paid back anyway. I will only feel better if Noa and his deputy are arrested by having obtained free of interest loans for months. These councillors should sue the ACC unless they are not serious.* CAN someone high up order the arrests of ACC directors for the double payment they received last year? They have not yet repaid it anyway.Its a shame! * HOW much does the ACC spend on fuel to drive all the way to Henties Bay, pluse food costs, etc, and arrest someone who (allegedly) misuses N$1 772? * WHAT do u call it if you receive double salary which you are not entitled to and not to mention a 13th cheque compared to S&T of a planned trip like in the case of Henties councillors? * DEAR Editor can someone tell me what the difference is between the S&T received by the Henties Bay councillors and the double salary given to the two ACC directors? * YOU steal N$5,76 m get bail of N$10 000. The Karas Regional Council CRO is accused of wrongly claiming N$48 000 (ACC case), pays N$7 000 bail and the Henties councillors another ACC are up for N$1 700 and are out on bail of N$1 000.What is the purpose of bail and how is it fixed? Do the magistrates look at who the accused is? * TO the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Ministry of Defence: We, the soldiers, are still waiting for answers on issues such as Sanlam demutualisation shares and the N$110 deducted from our meagre salaries as part of an unexplained group scheme membership. When we resign or are discharged we do not receive any refund. I want the ACC to investigate the group scheme deductions for us.* The ACC should investigate the Ministry of Health and Social Services. The receive the highest budget e
very year but money is being misused. Management are said to have shares in companies tendering for services and goods from the ministry. Please remove them for God sake. Maperes Bar * I’M delighted to read that the Maperes bar is closed and its liquor licence revoked. Too many people got injured and lost their lives at that bar. The Police should now check the records of other bars in Windhoek and if they find any incidents of violence, they should be closed as well. It is not only in Katutura but also in Khomasdal, especially in Otjimuise that bars have become dangerous.* PLEASE don’t return the licence of Maperes Bar or now Martins bar. We in the neighbour are at least moving safely at night and our children can study in some quiet. General * GOVERNMENT vehicle at the club (report on page 1 of The Namibian last week). We see Government vehicles being abused on a daily basis. Doing shopping, parked at drinking places, picking kids from schools. Whose kids are entitled to be picked up by GRN vehicles? We all want answers from the office of the PM.* I WANT to air my concern about developmental issues at Khorixas. No development is taking place at this forgotten town. No investors are coming nor are there any attempts to invite and attract investors. The town planner employed by the council has no vision for Khorixas.* FOR Africa to become productive, Africans should firstly learn the importance of respecting democratic laws and avoid copying everything done outside Africa. – Djaupyu * IF members of the highest decision-making legislative body fail to attend sessions, surely one cannot blame the poor Hardap councillors for exchanging blows during their sessions. * WHEN will the Ministry of Home Affairs open up its vacancies for competition? Performance and duration of service is not taken into account when promotions come up. No training is provided and promotion is non-existent. Should the ACC not look into the operations of this ministry, as staff member are sick and tired of way things are done in this ministry.* SPRAYING air freshener during burial services is not proper. It shows a lack of respect for the dead. A dead person does not smell like what people believe. This practice should be stopped forthwith, as it is becoming common, especially among Oshiwambo speaking people. * WHY is Namibia not participating in the 2007 u-20 football championships? * THE Namibia Defence Force appears to be extending its grip even further by making compulsory deductions from the salaries of its staff. N$110 monthly deductions are made from all NDF members for what is called an NDF GROUP SCHEME. This is done without consulting the staff some of whom already have group scheme insurance from other institutions. * TO ensure the effective running of our various ministries, the Government must introduce advisory committees for every ministry, comprised of members from all regions, who will bring problems on the ground to the attention of the ministries and advise on how to tackle them. Government by the people! * NO to a United States of Africa. This will result Namibians starving because of other Africans taking their jobs.* I DO not know to which country I belong. My mother and father are both Namibian and I was born here. My parents also resided in Angola. Now the Angolan Embassy tell me I am a Namibian. But, Namibia’s Ministry of Home Affairs says I am Angolan. My baptism card refers to me as Angolan. Because of this confusion, I am not in possession of a national document.* I WAS in exile and when I returned in 1989 I was given a new axe, a panga, a hoe and seeds. To date, I still have the equipment. Good, but where and when can I use this new equipment? They must provide me with the land to use the equipment. The Ministry of Veterans Affairs must provide me with an answer.* I WANT the Government to comment on and take action against fly-by night companies, especially those that purport to provide genuine education.Water worries * WATER in Namibia is a serious problem. People are crying each and every day. NamWater and Government must do something.* IS it possible for Government to conduct a survey to determine the affordability of paying water among poor communities and try to make it a basic service to which every citizen has access to? The Government has installed pipes and taps to such communities, but these facilities are not used, as people cannot afford water. It appears that these infrastructure was only installed to show to the world that we have taken water to the people. But, the truth is that water cannot be accessed by the people because of its cost. Think about this please.New State House * MR PRESIDENT, would you please be so kind and sell the new State House to Kobi Alexander, just like that, ‘voetstoots’. We need that money for our hospitals.* I DON’T understand why the GRN is building a State House costing hundreds of millions of dollars.I wonder where all this money is coming from. The Government must tell us where it finds this amount of money.They want to live in luxury houses while they don’t want to pay ex-combatants their compensation.* IF we had effective opposition parties to reduce the Swapo majority, then we could have avoided many financial (burdens) like the new State House.

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