Social Security Commission pays over N$ 302 million in benefits

AWARD TIME … The Social Security Commission had its commemorative award ceremony recently. Photo: Veripuami Kangumine

The Social Security Commission (SSC) issued N$302 million in maternity, sick leave, death, and retirement benefits between 2023 and 2024.

Executive officer Milka Mungunda says the SSC paid out to more than 31 718 beneficiaries.

“When we look at our maternity, sick leave and death benefits, we have met our requirements, and we have kept our promises,” she says.

Mungunda was speaking at the SSC commemorative award ceremony on Friday.

She added that despite the SSC not increasing the maternity contributions, it has paid out N$ 212 million to 23 218 beneficiaries in maternity benefits.

Mungunda said the maternity benefits will be increased every second year so that women will have more benefits.

“As effective of 1 March 2025, we will have to reconsider the increasing contribution for the maternity benefits,” she said

Mungunda said the SSC has paid out 24 million in sick leave benefits, 56 million in retirement benefits, and 10 million in death benefits.

SSC chairperson Markus Kampungu emphasised the importance of the SSC’s role in ensuring that no one is left behind.

“As a social protection institution, it is crucial that we place ourselves in the global position, and we do not operate in a vacuum,” he said.

Kampungu emphasised the need for social protection as a human right designed to cushion people from poverty, vulnerability, unemployment, social exclusion, and inequality throughout their lifetime.

“Social protection systems address all these issues using a mix of contributory and non-contributory schemes to protect all members of a society from unmanageable risks,” he said.

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