Standard Bank’s Buy-A-Brick School Campaign Underway

Through its flagship Buy-A-Brick initiative, in partnership with the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia, Standard Bank has managed to help low or no income individuals realise their dream of decent housing through building them brick homes.

The initiative saw 44 houses being built at Rehoboth under its banner, with more expected to be built this year in Windhoek, Otjinene and Berseba. While the bank has previously rallied individuals, communities as well as corporate citizens to aid fundraise through donations; it is now also urging schools to participate with great rewards.

“Since we launched this initiative three years ago we have received overwhelming support from Namibians all across the country. While we have made remarkable strides towards our goals to alleviate the housing shortage in the country, we would still like to do more. As such, we would like to urge all schools to rope in both their pupils and teachers to also aid us by organising a fundraising event for the initiative. In return we will reward the schools that raise the most funds,” Standard Bank’s acting head of marketing, Sigrid Tjijorokisa said.

N$100 000 will be handed over to the school that raises the most funds, with 250 pupils or more participating in the fundraising. The prize money will be used for a project of the school, for example a library or to purchase computer equipment.

N$75 000 will be awarded to the school that generates the highest funds, however only has pupils fewer than 250 participating in the fundraising. The top 10 pupils who generate the most funds will also attend a three-day leadership camp and receive a brand new smart phone with airtime.

“This is a serious opportunity to change Namibia’s housing situation through this initiative. We want our pupils to know that no contribution is too small and that they too have the power to help their communities, especially those who are impoverished. Some of these pupils also come from shacks and they deserve decent housing. It is possible through our initiative,” she stressed.

The school campaign which began on 25 January will run until the end of March. “The housing challenge is everyone’s responsibility so play your part as a good Namibian citizen,” Tjijorokisa concluded.

– Standard Bank

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